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Meeting local leaders in Guinea to discuss local development plan for communities
In a meeting with stakeholders to update them on the local development plans of N’Zoo, Tounkarata and Bossou communities in November, PAPFor Guinea’s communication and community mobilization officer , Mariama SY, visited the chiefs of N’Zoo and Tounkarata. The meeting documented the number of active groups in the communities and explained the project’s support structure.
As a result, the various groups will further discuss the project activities via their local development plan (LDP).
The discussions focused on the priorities of the local populations regarding their community development and the establishment of long-term income-generating activities.
The communities’ mayors expressed their gratitude to the donor, the European Union, and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), for their financial and technical support in preparing the local development plan and the future implementation of community activities.
The mayors emphasised that the implementation and support of project activities would further benefit the women’s groups involved in gardening, coffee growing, cocoa, rice and bananas, and with pig, small ruminant and chicken breeding.