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Series of management and development plans completed
The PAPFor programme achieved some key results at the end of the programme, with the finalisation of several management plans.
Throughout the PAPFor programme, support has been provided to update several management plans, such as those for Gola, Sapo and Grebo-Krahn.
The same dynamic has continued in recent months, with the revision of the East Nimba Nature Reserve Management Plan in Liberia, which was validated in September 2024. Most recently, the new Development and Management Plan for the Mt Nimba Reserve in Guinea was validated. UNOPS organised a validation workshop on 21 November in Nzérékoré. This follows the validation of the Development and Management Plan for the Mt Nimba Reserve in Côte d’Ivoire in February 2022. The development of these three plans represents a solid basis for the European Union’s commitment to this key landscape, through the future NaturAfrica programme.
In the OKKPS landscape, the draft Outamba-Kilimi management plan was presented to the local communities. It then received comments from government departments before final validation by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, scheduled for the coming months.