
17 May 2024

Exchange trip to Côte d’Ivoire on cocoa for members of Ziama agroforestry cooperatives

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7 March 2024

EU PAPFor supports the training of environmental education facilitators in Guinea

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7 March 2024

PAPFor supports income-generating activities in six communities around Taï National Park

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The block of expansive upper Guinean Forest that transverses the boundaries of Sierra Leone and Liberia along the Mano River and associated tributaries constitutes the Gola Landscape. The vegetation is tropical rainforest and comprises (...) See more

The Cross River landscape contains the largest forest block left in Nigeria, with a wide variety of habitats ranging from dense rainforest to montane forest to high-altitude grasslands, spread over an altitudinal gradient from 150 to over (...) See more

Divided between Guinea, Ivory Coast and Liberia, the landscape of the Nimba Mountains has a wide variety of habitats, from dense rainforest to montane grasslands, spread over an altitudinal gradient from 400 to 1750m. The landscape has a strong (...) See more

Cutting across Guinea and Liberia, the Wologizi-Wonegizi-Ziama (WWZ) transboundary landscape, a widely recognised global biodiversity hotspot, is part of a series of connected forest blocks extending from Ziama in Guinea through Wonegizi, (...) See more

The Taï - Grebo-Krahn - Sapo (TGKS) Landscape stretches from south-east Liberia to south-west Côte d’Ivoire. It contains the last large block of intact Guinean forest, of which more than 7,000 km² are protected, including Taï National Park, a UNESCO (...) See more

The OKKPS landscape in Guinea and Sierra Leone is comprised of a wide variety of habitats; from dense rainforest to grassy savannahs, and montane grasslands, spread over an altitudinal gradient of 61 to 1134 m. The confirmed presence of African (...) See more


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